Team Wiedeman

Team Wiedeman

Thursday, January 14, 2010


We learned about the vegetable group today. We turned off all the lights and tried to read words that were on the walls. We could all see the words. Vegetables help us see in the dark. Did you know that? We took a math test for report cards. Rocket math was first thing this morning and many of us passed. Dylan finished a research guide during Read to Self. The monkey moved up the tree and we are four hops away from a banana party! Tomorrow we are trying to earn a ton of marbles for our marble party. ONLY Mrs. Wiedeman and Mrs. McAllister know how many we can earn!!!!

The Class

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear you are learning about vegetables. I love vegetables (ask William how I am always trying to get him to eat them at dinner!). I bet it is exciting to be so close to your next banana party. I don't know what the marble party is. I will need to ask William. Have a great week and remember Friday is only a half day!
