Team Wiedeman

Team Wiedeman

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Mrs. Wiedeman is getting ready for the big day tomorrow. Mrs. Wiedeman gets to ride in a limo. We get a special snack and Mrs. Wiedeman is going to use the flip camera to tape us. She is wearing high heels today to practice. We will have a substitute tomorrow. His name is Mr. Baldwin. We will be on our best behavior or we will not be able to watch the limo pick Mrs. Wiedeman up. We measured dinosaurs in the hallway. We are making movies on eating Oreo cookies. Have a monkeymendous night...The Class


  1. Sounds like fun. I hope I will be in school tomorrow. Did we have our banana party yet? Cole

  2. Mrs. Wiedeman, have fun at the awards. We will be watching you on TV. From Ari & her mom.

    Cole, we hope you feel better soon. From Ari & her mom.
