Team Wiedeman

Team Wiedeman

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hmmmm....what have we been up to???

I feel bad that we have not posted recently.  We have been very busy at school.  We worked with our fifth grade buddies and did an interview with them.  

Josh has also come to our class to talk about communities for our Junior Achievement Time.  They were learning about unit and assembly line production.  Ask them about their donuts!


  1. Hi i am Alix!How many peopl do you have in your class?

  2. i hope you didn`t eat your paper doughnuts

  3. I hope you all enjoyed making your paper doughnuts and I hope you didn't eat them.I want to do something like this at our school.You should check y5's class blog out.Its great!Do you have to wear school uniform?We have to.Next year our headteacher is leaving and this year I am reading a passage in church.I am so excited for our Christmas party.We have one every year and every year we have a Halloween party.We always do a Christmas and Summer market.I love our school because it is fun and the teachers make learning fun.Please look.
    :) :)

  4. What were you making there?
